What’s our most popular fiction title?

Appearing a whopping seven times in our top 500 most borrowed titles this year list, author James Patterson is no surprise appearance. You may remember a previous blog post about him where he had become the most published author of all time. Alex Cross, Run, currently his most popular title, is sitting at number 2 with 150 checkouts this year. Other recent work Private Berlin and Twelfth River come in an numbers eight and nine.

the dropCoveted first place though, is the ever popular Michael C0nnelly with The Drop, a book that is three years old, but is still lending very heavily with 153 checkouts.

David Baldacci, Lee Child, Dan Brown and Maeve Binchy fill out the rest of the top ten.

At the other end of the list, number 500 is Aussie author Caroline Overington’s, I came to say goodbye.